COVID -19 Statement
During the current Corona Virus (Covid-19) we will be following guidelines as issued by the UK Government and the Department of Health.
All patients are seen by appointment only. Please call on 01202 048161 before attending the clinic as we very rarely have space for 'walk ins'.
A face covering must be worn whilst inside our treatment room, our staff will also be wearing PPE as required.
We are no longer required to complete temperature checks on patients' arrivals, but we respectfully request that you adhere to the sensible precautions being encouraged.
Wash your hands regularly.
Wear a mask in shops and premises.
Use alcohol hand gel regularly.
Try to avoid touching your face.
Likewise, if any member of the team is unwell - they will be self isolating for 10 days. This may incur some major disruption to appointments and scheduling, however, this outbreak is an ongoing and constantly changing situation with which we all have to be patient and compliant.
If you are unsure of whether you should attend for your appointment, please telephone Michelle on 01202 048161 / 07340 806586 for advice.